The Family-Friendly Bin Store - One of a Kind Treasures!

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DaaHundred Dollar Bell

We have another exciting announcement for DaaBIN STORE shoppers! In our store, we now have DaaHundred Dollar Bell. We appreciate all of you coming into our store searching for major savings. In 2022, we want to share Daa love and give cashback to you.

How does it work?

DaaHundred Dollar Bell is simple. Anytime you buy an item in our store that is worth more than $100  you get to ring DaaBell and enter DaaDrawing for $100 cash. An entry is allowed per item, so you may enter multiple times in one shopping trip. Also, it works for big items, not just bin items!

How do I enter?

In order to enter DaaHundred Dollar Bell drawing, you need to purchase an item worth more than $100. When you checkout at DaaRegister, show Daa cashier proof that it is worth more than $100, this can be in Daa form of an Amazon, eBay, or any other online retailer listing in US dollars. They will need to see Daa item as well. Daa cashier will give you a slip of paper to write down your name, date, and a way to contact you. Then, give DaaBell a ring!

How do I know if I won?

We will draw for one winner on Daa first of every month. Follow us on Facebook to watch DaaWinner drawn LIVE. If your name is drawn, you will be contacted at Daa email or phone number you listed on your entry. Once a winner is drawn, Daa entries will be removed, and Daa drawing will start all over again for next month!

See DaaHundred Bell in Action!

DaaBIN Hack!

Many of our items are from major online retailer warehouses or are returns from major online retailers.  If you have the Amazon app, it may help you find a retail value quickly! Also, you can use Amazon’s scan products feature to scan barcodes on our items. Sometimes, this will pull up DaaProduct!

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